Module Two


Evidences of Israel’s Identity Today

Prerequisite:  Module One

In Module Two you will be discovering critical knowledge about the identity of biblical Israel today – who they are and who they are not. I cannot overestimate the importance of the evidence you will see about who the physical descendants of Israel are today. If you don’t correctly identify that family with whom God made all the covenants of the Bible, you will completely miss the People who God has chosen for a particular purpose and completely miss the relevance of the entire Bible for today.

As you piece the historical and archeological evidence together, I believe you will see for yourself who this People is today to whom the covenants belong and perhaps connect with your heritage, going back to Abraham – literally.

And if you should be able to identify with your family roots – who you are and where you came from – I believe that will be the first step to realizing God’s ordained purpose for you and why you were created.

Module Two naturally follows Module One because we laid an important foundation to give us an understanding of the big picture of the Bible. Without that understanding, Module Two has little relevance. Therefore, Module One is a prerequisite to Module Two.

Module Outline

That being said, I want to briefly give you the outline for Module Two. We are going to begin with the historical evidence of the migrations of the Israelites from before the Exodus event when God delivered His people out of Egypt under Moses’ leadership. Then we are going to track various other migrations up to 64 BC. This will help us to see where many Israelites settled and where they are today.

Next, we are going to look at the evidence of matching the heraldry symbols of ancient Israel with those present today. That’s going to be a fun study.

We are going to look at the evidence of Israel’s identity regarding language, law and culture to discover the amazing similarities between ancient Israel and today’s Israelites.

Finally we are going to find out the historical evidence identifying the people who are called “Jews” today along with the origins and nature of Judaism.

What You Will Learn

SECTION 1:     Who Israel Is Today

Class 1             Finding Israel Through Pre-Captivity Migrations

Class 2             Finding Israel Through the Captivity Migrations  

Class 3             Finding Israel Through Post-Captivity Migrations                                          

Class 4             Finding Israel Through Heraldry                                                          

Class 5             Finding Israel Through Language

Class 6             Finding Israel Through Law

Class 7             Finding Israel Through Customs                                                                                                               

SECTION 2:     Who Israel Is NOT Today

Class 8            History of the Jews from the Old Testament to AD 70                     

Class 9            History of the Jews from AD 70 to 10th Century AD                 

Class 10          Jews and Judaism                                    

Class 11          What Judaism Teaches                                                         

Class 12          Judaism’s Destructive Influence           

To order, click here .                                            

Remember, completing Module One is a prerequisite to attending Module Two. Once you complete Module One, you will be given access to sign up online for Module Two.

(Note:  All your personal information is completely confidential and will never be shared with anyone for any reason.)