Module One
Laying the Foundation
The first module in the Bible Mastery Boot Camp called “Laying the Foundation” is comprised of ten classes. This module will give you all the essential basic tools and knowledge in order to grasp the big picture of the Bible. It will set the stage for a more in-depth training, if you should so choose, that will answer the many questions that you might have about what the Bible says and means and what its relevance is for today.
“To say I learned a ton is an understatement!! It was extremely beneficial to help me learn and understand more, as well as connect scripture to scripture for proper meaning. And the things that I did know were expounded upon in a way that helped me to understand more clearly. [My husband] and I also liked the encouragement to understand the context to conclude the meaning of a word in Scripture. We both feel that is so important and so overlooked! I feel that class 8-10 were the ones that impacted me the most, with information that I had never studied before. Very eye opening and will probably require going through a second time.
“Everything was very well spelled out and explained great! As I said before, I was thoroughly impressed. This is such an awesome tool for anyone, but especially for those who are new to understanding the Word. It’s great for even those of us who have a foundation. We can all learn and you did a great job at helping that happen!!” – Missy F.
“I like the way the Old Testament is connected to the New Testament. The pieces of the puzzle are beginning to fit and make sense… It makes the Bible so easy to understand and comprehend.” – Dennis H.
What you will learn:
Class 1: The Substance and Nature of the Abrahamic Covenant Promises
This is foundational knowledge critical to make sense out of the rest of the Bible.
Class 2:The Inheritance of the Abrahamic Covenant Promises
This Class follows the history of who actually inherited the covenant promises God made to Abraham.
Class 3:God’s National Covenant with Israel
This class will reveal the conditional basis of this covenant that will help you understand the rest of the Bible.
Class 4:The Conditional Covenant Revealed: Blessings & Curses
Gain insight into a little-known fact that will set the stage for realizing what happened to Israel and why.
Class 5:United and Divided Israel: The History
Explore the history of national Israel essential to understanding the New Testament.
Class 6:The Captivities, Dispersion and Promised Restoration
The drama of history unfolds to help you to link the Old and New Testaments.
Class 7:Jesus Christ and the New Covenant
Discover, perhaps for the first time, who Jesus Christ was and what He did.
Class 8:Understanding “Jews” and “Gentiles” in the Bible
This class will give you new insight about who the Jews and Gentiles really are.
Class 9:Identifying “Jews” and “Gentiles” According to the Apostle Paul
What does Paul say about the identity of Jews and Gentiles? This will change everything!
Class 10:Identifying “Jews” and Gentiles” According to the Apostle Peter
Need a second witness regarding who the Jews and Gentiles really are? Here’s what Peter said.
After you complete Module One (10 classes), you will be able to connect all the key people, events and covenants of the Bible into a unified, consistent and non-contradictory way. You will be able to put the Bible together so it makes sense.
To order, click here.
We now have online courses available. Click here for information on two free classes.
You may never see the Bible in the same way again!
Please note: The Bible Mastery Boot Camp is best employed on a desktop device. It is not designed to be used on a cell phone due to the nature of the course.